Victoria Road, St Philips, Bristol BS2 0UT

Mon - Fri 7.30 - 17.00  Sat 8.00 - 12.00

0117 300 9993

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Safety & Emergency

Transporting Gas Bottles
Adobe Acrobat document [226.8 KB]
Calor MSDS Sheet for Propane
Adobe Acrobat document [226.8 KB]

Incidents of fire or leakage involving LPG are extremely rare, but it is as well to be prepared just in case.


If you can smell gas, simply turn the cylinder off and contact us.


If you have a ruptured hose and you can see gas escaping from the hose, again attempt to turn the cylinder off, you will need a thick glove or perhaps an oven glove to protect your hand from freeze burns, ensure there are no sources of ignition or naked flames before approaching the cylinder.


If the leak is inside the property and you’re in doubt as to the extent of the leak, evacuate everyone from the property as an immediate precaution.

• If you suspect a leak, ring the Calor Emergency Service on 03457 444999, but call 999
   immediately if there is any sort of fire.


• Carefully assess the situation before approaching.


• Wear the right personal protection equipment, including clothing.


• Ensure there is a safe route of access and escape available.


• Stay upwind of any fire or escaping LPG.


• Avoid coming into contact with the LPG, as it can cause severe cold burns and saturate

  clothing which may subsequently catch fire.

NOTE: Any vessel involved in a fire may suddenly rupture. Change in the size or noise of the fire may be an indication, but there may be no warning. IF IN DOUBT, DO NOT APPROACH.

• Always prevent Propane Gas cylinders from over heating.


• Always check that the flames go out on the appliance when a regulator is turned off before
  attempting to disconnect a regulator from a cylinder.


• LPG cylinders must not be stored in cellars or below ground level.


• Do not store Propane gas cylinders indoors or in high rise flats.


• LPG is heavier than air and if allowed to escape the gas will collect at low levels.


• LPG cylinders should not be stored or kept any closer than 2 metres from un-trapped drains,
  gullies or openings to cellars.




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