Victoria Road, St Philips, Bristol BS2 0UT

Mon - Fri 7.30 - 17.00  Sat 8.00 - 12.00

0117 300 9993

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LPG Four Pack Home Heating System

For those without mains gas, our home heating systems provide an efficient and easy to use supply of gas for heating the home and for providing hot water.

We do a four pack heating system (with four hoses as shown in the following diagram, each of which goes to a cylinder). We also do a two pack system which has only one hose coming from each side.


Simple & efficient home supply
for those without mains gas

Deliveries to Bristol and
the Surrounding Area

A typical four pack system with four hoses going to the cylinders.
(On a two pack system there is only one hose from each side.)

4x Calor 47kg Propane Home Gas Cylinders
for LPG Four Pack Home Heating System

The automatic four pack change over system is simple and efficient

The system is designed to give a continual supply of gas, which it does by using only two of the four cylinders at any one time.  When there is some gas in all four cylinders the window (shown as red in the diagram) is white. When a pair of cylinders becomes empty the window turns red and the change over system automatically begins to use the other pair of cylinders.

The arrow on the changeover system is an indicator to us as to which cylinders need replenishing and is for our use only, You should never change the position of the arrow as this will cause confusion.

Used correctly, the customer should never run out. You will get into a pattern of checking the change over, perhaps weekly in the winter, monthly in the summer. As soon as the window turns red, this is the time to order your next delivery.




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